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Parshas Vayakhel


Candle Lighting ................. 6:44 PM
Mincha  ............................. 6:55 PM
Shacharis ......................  7/8:45 AM
Mincha  ..................... 3:00/6:40 PM
Father-Son Learning.......... 3:30 PM
Maariv  .............................. 7:47 PM
Havdalah  .......................... 7:55 PM
Pesachim Shiur  ................ 8:18 PM

Shacharis ......................  6:25/8 AM
Mincha/Maariv ................... 6:55 PM

Shacharis .................  6:25/8:00 AM
Mincha/ Maariv (M-Th)  ..... 6:55 PM
Maariv (M-Th) ................... 9:30 PM


Father-Son learning will resume this Shabbos at 3:30 pm, with raffles, snacks and a tremendous way to spend the afternoon!

Kiddush this week at the early minyan is sponsored by the Wolgel family celebrating the anniversary of the 32nd anniversary of Sandy's aufruf

Kiddush this week at the early minayn is sponsored by the Meyers family commemorating the Yartzeit of Baila bas Shraga Feivel 

Kiddush this week at the early minyan is sponsored by the Schultz family commemorating the Yartzeit of Chaim Leib ben Yitzchak

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